A new idea and/or collaboration(if interested)

i keep having the idea of a collaboration where one artist sends another artist scraps, images, pages, objects, or magazines and the receiving artist creates a collage using given materials. after reading the topic of scraps and my personal interest in scraps, i would love to do something like this with other artists who are willing to compile an envelope of scraps and send it my way and each of us create a new work using those materials. whether they modify the scraps with tools is up to the artist. i like the idea of no modification. just using the scraps as is.

Who's with me?

feel free to post address or email me address and i shall give you mine.


matt taggart

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I'm up for it. Do participants need to use the same size support? Not necessary, I guess, but might add an interesting twist. Besides, in my own self-interest, I work small (see work space photo in the table scraps thread)


glad to see you on board, ken. i don't think size matters(haha). i think the size might be determined by size and amount of scraps involved, possibly. i will shoot you an email and we shall move ahead with this.

I'm in


I love collaborations,  if it's ok with you, I'd like to join.

Matt, Glad to hear that my small envelope of scraps showed up there OK. I trust you're having fun with the various bits-and-pieces.  --Ken

Matthew Taggart said:

glad to see you on board, ken. i don't think size matters(haha). i think the size might be determined by size and amount of scraps involved, possibly. i will shoot you an email and we shall move ahead with this.

Adrian and Elizabeth, i sent you a friend request. after you approve we'll trade addresses with each other and get more scraps sent out. glad you two are on board. more the merrier.

i will be saving various scraps from all contributors and making a piece using all of the scraps i receive.

maybe we all could trade with each other. i know Ken is down to do so.

i will post a few photos of my first few pieces with Ken's scraps he sent me.

Ken, here is one of the collages I did with the scraps you sent. i really like this one.


Your scraps arrived Friday. Thanks. This is an interesting experience and maybe even a little intimidating.

Here are some of the scraps Adrian sent.

And here is the first collage using them. I'm not sure I'm cut out (pun intentional) for this "as is" business but this one is using the scraps as is. On 9 x 12 Canson art board that I already had cut to size.



i like it Ken. very nice. let's do this. you don't have to stick to my parameters. modify if you see fit. work this the scraps as you would with your own work.

also, I have sent out my end of the collab to you, Ken and Adrian.

hopefully you will see them soon.

hope all is well.

Thanks, Matt. I understand. Even in your original post you said to modify or not is up to the individual. I thought I'd try a couple "as is" before I started altering the scraps. Either way, it's an interesting process.


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