Some of you are probably wondering why not all of the images you've uploaded have been posted.We've recently had a tremendous number of new images uploaded so please review the guidelines below, necessary because this is a group site for the global collage community with fairly limited resources...

Please put a representative group of your works on the site and then, for vast numbers of images, put them on flickr, your website, or another image archive. You can then link to the more of your images from your profile page or even on the description of the images on Try to keep your portfolio at somewhere around 25 images.

Once you have 25 or so works on the site, prune down to your favorite ones when adding new images. Please keep images at around 100kb or less. It is also best to upload a few at a time so that they are dispersed in the image bank/slide show.

Thanks -- and please DO keep adding your latest works! Happy gluing.

Views: 141


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Comment by Cecil Touchon on May 26, 2016 at 6:11pm

I would say even 25 images would be better and keep them under 150K. A very good idea to use Flikr for additional images or pinterest and put links on your page. We are running over our limit for this service which includes 10 gigs of space and it is very tedious even impossible for Janice or I to remove excessive images. Otherwise, have fun and comment on other's works. AND be sure to be a subscribing member! see the new page.

Comment by Shawn Marie Hardy on May 17, 2015 at 1:57pm

Ah! No worries Janice! I'll trim my portfolio down a bit. Cheers!


Cecil Touchon created this Ning Network.


Posting to membership- 2 Replies

Started by Felicia Belair-Rigdon. Last reply by Jemison Roger Beshears Jul 7, 2021.

Call for Artists: A Book About Death / Tribute to Ray Johnson

Started by Janice McDonald Jul 27, 2019.


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