The International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists
Brushes, Hammers, Paste and Nails
Tatjana Versaggi has not received any gifts yet
I don't mean the town in California.
Somewhere in the mist between sleep and waking I had a vision. It involved lace and fibers and paste... like old school wallpaper paste, molten wax and just a bit of paint... if necessary.
As soon as I get done with my chores, I'm going to give it a go! Pictures will, of course, be forthcoming.
Posted on November 21, 2011 at 2:00pm
Well, my studio is all unpacked after it's float across the Atlantic to New York and then on to the wilds of Upstate. On a clear day I can see to the Adirondack park from the end of my street. I have a cool barn and I keep finding really cool stuff in it.
I want to make it all into sculptures. Unfortunately I'm terrified. I have performance anxiety. So the downside of having been a professional artist on the festival circuit was that selling was important. It kills your creativity.…
ContinuePosted on November 20, 2011 at 10:14pm
Do your pieces need to be disruptive to a space to be art?
I've been reading a book that deals a lot with post-modern thought in the context of animals in art. At one point an essay talks about Robert Rauschenberg's Monogramme:
There was a fairly long, tedious argument as to how this piece disrupted the space, forcing interaction with the viewer. As…
ContinuePosted on July 15, 2011 at 1:42am
Started by Felicia Belair-Rigdon. Last reply by Jemison Roger Beshears Jul 7, 2021.
Started by Janice McDonald Oct 21, 2019.
Started by Janice McDonald Jul 27, 2019.
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My pleasure to accept -- the invitation.
If you're making a transition from painting to fiber I can suggest a book that you might find worthwhile.
Drawn to Stitch: line, drawing and mark-making in textile art. 2010. Gwen Hedley.
My wife just got the book and I've been looking through it. Some interesting work.