#collage #analog #paper

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Views: 90

Albums: #collage #analog, #collage #analog #2015
Favorite of 2 people


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Comment by Kathleen Ramboer on July 15, 2015 at 8:01am

j'aime le humour qui est là dedans

Comment by olga lupi on July 13, 2015 at 8:03am

Hello ! Thank you for this nice message. I do not understand everything (I am French...).

I do not understand everything (I am French) but I appreciate your multiple remarks on what touched you. Thanks again !

Comment by Geoffrey Ellis Aronson on July 11, 2015 at 1:11am

You've got several portfolios here and it is hard for me to comment. The work is highly sophisticated and appeals strongly to my own sensibilities. The composition in some is extremely complex, in others, very simple. I've tried to determine what works best for me and which fails the mark.

The sheer magnitude of the work, its complexity and variety of direction is commendable. Some of the portfolios work better for me than others. The occasional sighting of the issue of women's domesticity is refreshing. In some there is patterning and texture and that appeals to me, particularly this image of conversation about the womanly role, Mother giving Daughter friendly advice with a spouse, well coutured, being brought back to earth by her husband. Is he a restraining figure, grounding her, or aiding her in her lofty presence. The figure to the right is green with envy? She is more statutesque than the other figures. Is she admonishing someone, perhaps the elevated sophisticate? Wonderful piece. The mutation animals remind me of a Spanish photographer who does the same. Fontabacarte or some such name. In a few, I note the influences to a new direction. The living room series with two figures.....Pop arts progenitor piece with the muscle man and buxomous blonde? In other series, I note an Indian (East) painting influence. Anyway, I love it all. Great work.


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Posting to membership- 2 Replies

Started by Felicia Belair-Rigdon. Last reply by Jemison Roger Beshears Jul 7, 2021.

Call for Artists: A Book About Death / Tribute to Ray Johnson

Started by Janice McDonald Jul 27, 2019.


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