Ken was just thinking about it.

Robert did it.

They talked.

So with Robert’s tablescrap as the impetus, we (Robert and Ken) invite you to make a collage using whatever is on your workspace right now – the scraps, the leftovers, rejects, and refuse -- and post it here to this forum. Maybe something that makes you chuckle to yourself as you’re doing it; or not. Quick and dirty. Little editing. What falls together. You don’t even have to use glue if you don’t feel like it. Just for grins. And a photo of your workspace along with the collage would be nice.


Here are mine.

First, the desktop workspace and a collage.

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Mine is a small space that also has to be a working office. The "work space" is the table on wheels. Most of the supplies are in the garage. Oh that it were not so.

ken coleman said:

OK. OK. I did not clean up. I might have "arranged" just a little. Maybe.

Diane Dellicarpini said:

you guys are so neat!  Are you sure you didn't clean up/

Ok Ken, now that's funny.

workspace not tidied but most of the mess out of shot! collage next...

here's a very quick scraps (not stuck down) from what was buried on my desk!

Wonderful, Josie! Thanks.



thanks ken, a good idea!

I took this photo of my work table yesterday as I was organizing myself (?) to start a new piece. The board is 24 x 36"... my workspace is usually pretty chaotic!

Thanks for the workspace photo, Janice.

Is what we see here generally the palette you've decided to work with on the new piece? Or will it change much as the piece develops?

Will we get to see the finished piece here?

-- Ken

I wanted to work with larger pieces of somewhat solid color and had been ripping things out of magazines before I started a new collage. The palette will definitely adapt over time. Other neutrals are already in place so this is no longer representative of what's happening. It's not finished, but there are some progress photos/notes on my blog here:  (The blues in the top left of this photo are where I started and they show up in the top right of image in blog.)

Thanks, Janice. I find it fascinating to hear/see how people work.

Todd Bartel, Not of the Body or Argument, c. 2000 + 2012

Collage, and sideways collage, with altered negative sticker remnants, pencil, watercolor, Yes Glue and book plate on book end page.

7 3/8 x 5 3/4"

In a broad interpretation here is a table scrap piece I made yesterday morning. The left most piece was a collage I abandoned about 2000 and I have kept it on my table starring at me, hoping I'd deal with it one day or another. The interesting thing about the left part is that the central element, with the translucent paper, is quite possibly the worlds first "sideways" collage. By sideways, I mean that instead of gluing a collage element in the traditional sense, onto another piece of paper, this translucent element was glued by applying glue to the sides of a puzzle piece fitted, or inlayed shape. It was problematic to do, because the glue would dry so fast, I could not glue the whole edge perimeter before the glue would air dry. It was the first and only time I tried this technique—invented then abandoned. But it has been in my mind to try submit something for the table scrap blog and when I accidentally found a stray cutting from a series of cuttings I have been collecting, in which I remove from Renaissance paintings the background landscapes, I could not help but attach the landscape remnant to the sideways collage. Once I did that, i added some drawn elements and some water color as well as the text at the bottom. I'm entering it here because it would never have come into existence without the invitation to do a table scrap piece. So thanks!

Todd Bartel, Not of the Body or Argument, c. 2000 + 2012


Thanks for posting the table scrap, Todd -- both front and back.

And thanks for the commentary, too. Very interesting.


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