The International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists
Brushes, Hammers, Paste and Nails
Ken was just thinking about it.
Robert did it.
They talked.
So with Robert’s tablescrap as the impetus, we (Robert and Ken) invite you to make a collage using whatever is on your workspace right now – the scraps, the leftovers, rejects, and refuse -- and post it here to this forum. Maybe something that makes you chuckle to yourself as you’re doing it; or not. Quick and dirty. Little editing. What falls together. You don’t even have to use glue if you don’t feel like it. Just for grins. And a photo of your workspace along with the collage would be nice.
Here are mine.
First, the desktop workspace and a collage.
And here are mine.
Table scraps are intriguing because they are unintentional.
Show us your workspace. No need to pick up, just take the picture.
R Table Scrap
Wait. Where'd your response go?
Maybe try uploading again later?
Are you having trouble with the insert image button there to the left on the reply function?
Or is your problem with a server timing you out or what?
This is crazy, I'll try later.
Maybe something is up. I don't why the images I attached don't show up like yours.
I wondered about that. I can see how to insert an image but I couldn't see how to attach one as a file. Are you using that insert image button? Or pasting directly into the window? We'll get it figured out, in the meantime clicking on the attachments doesn't bother me at all.
you guys are so neat! Are you sure you didn't clean up/
OK. OK. I did not clean up. I might have "arranged" just a little. Maybe.
Diane Dellicarpini said:
you guys are so neat! Are you sure you didn't clean up/
The scrap idea is appealing -
The picture of the work area, not so much -
My space looks a lot like Dargers ; (
Will put some scraps together and share later in the week = Cheers!
Started by Felicia Belair-Rigdon. Last reply by Jemison Roger Beshears Jul 7, 2021.
Started by Janice McDonald Oct 21, 2019.
Started by Janice McDonald Jul 27, 2019.
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