The International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists
Brushes, Hammers, Paste and Nails
Time: June 15, 2012 to June 17, 2012
Location: The Ontological Museum in Pagosa Springs
Street: 262 Pagosa Street
City/Town: Pagosa Springs, Colordo
Website or Map:
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Cecil Touchon
Latest Activity: Mar 29, 2012
(All supplies will be provided however participants are welcome to bring additional materials to use and share. Early sign-up is strongly encouraged – Touchon’s last workshop was sold out almost right away. Maximum of 10 participants accepted.)
About the workshop…..
This is the first in a series of Summer and Fall collage art workshops in the beautiful resort town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. You might want to take a few extra days to enjoy the area! Relax from you days in the studio at the local hot springs, the deepest in the world! There are many places to stay in Pagosa Springs ranging from motels to various vacation rentals and condos.
Cecil explains, “Collage art is a constructive approach to creating artistic images capitalizing on the use of found or prepared materials arranged in creative ways to arrive at a final composition that is often surprising and unexpected. A collage can be as simple as gluing one piece of paper to another or as complex as one can imagine. A collage artist needs a wide range of techniques or bag of tricks in order to achieve their vision. However, with practice one can achieve compelling and very personal images with nothing more than scraps of found material and some paste.”
The instructor’s process….
“I work along the lines of strategy adding simple techniques where needed…with an exploration of the fundamental principles of design, composition and historical precedent. Using examples from the Collage Museum's extensive collection of thousands of works of art…we will explore contemporary collage art trends and also explore professional practices and standards, studio organization, inventory and documentation systems. … I will work with each person at whatever stage they are at beginner to advanced and suggest ways to amplify one’s abilities and improve one’s results and increase confidence. I will be watching for 'stops' in each person that may be holding back their creative flow and devise ways to overcome them or work around them. I will also be working with each artist to get an idea of what they wish to achieve through their work as a collage artist and suggest ways to help them reach their goals.”
Cost: $350.00
To sign up, send a note of intention to participate by email with the subject line JUNE WORKSHOP to, please mail $175 deposit to hold your place to:
Cecil Touchon
135 Country Center Drive Ste F #10
Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147
Balance of $175 is due no later than June 1st, 2012.
Deposit is non-refundable! However, if something happens and you can’t make it, the deposit may be applied to a future workshop.
Started by Felicia Belair-Rigdon. Last reply by Jemison Roger Beshears Jul 7, 2021.
Started by Janice McDonald Oct 21, 2019.
Started by Janice McDonald Jul 27, 2019.
© 2025 Created by Cecil Touchon. Powered by
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